
unprepared for remorse

set aside from choice

the battle of sides faces

each front

and man is left standing alone

for the moment against a force

so blunt

in an age where criminals go free

at a most alarming rate

and people on the whole die needlessly

at the hands of a careless governmental


while the white man on the corner rages

on about the moving in of a family of


the literal garbage of our lives

will run us all out if those foul

cesspools of waste win with each of

the added stacks

so we are told to recycle so to save our

world for many years yet to come

so our children' s children can do what?

die by the masses from some foul disease

or two that each and every chemical corporation

puts out every hour one by one................

(March 11, 1994 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

was thinking about companies like the likes of Union Carbide that spew that poison in the air of Bopal, India and killing those people.

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