
a virtuous demise at best

for a man who lived

in a constant state

of unrest

with his austere lip unfurled

and a face so unnaturally long

his life was built from character

like an idea out of a song

he had wonderful reason to be only

himself in such a time of wide spread


he was a savior to a great many yet

for them he made no excuse

certainly like most, he wanted for himself

but he harbored a conscience that was

created to save

and that he remarkably did, innocent lives

that is

many a man, woman and child he plucked from

the death camps and burning lave

his name I've never known

not till a man named Spielberg had his story

of hope and courage shot and shown

all I could think though through my never

ending flow of heart wrenching tears

was at least one of them cared for all these

condemned, emaciated people over those

unimaginable six to eight years

his name now will burn in my unwitnessed

personal memory for as long as I think I shall

live and possibly there after

I will come to meet some of the ones he couldn't

save and speak highly about him to all those he

was able to give

a life free of abundant and horrible death to

the masses

and speak of how history won't be so cruel as

to let us soon forget what happened to each

and everyone of those poor people

as time invariably passes...............

(March 8, 1994 am)

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