
in my hope filled chitter-chatter head

a song plays on

and soft words of remorse for the accompanying

music form a sort of bond

and memories become illusionary soldiers

to help mend fences of before only unanswered time

and I pray upon the page for the gift of such a

gift as I pen such superficial rhyme

such sweet passionate charity clamors to be hugged

by my fast flooding soul

while J's eternally sweet and complete, pure love

continues to be my consummate goal

I am indeed a better person when from his

protectively young arms I've just come

his kiss fills up my very being and wit love

we are one

his eyes forge the distance between the future

and the present as it is as of this day

for tomorrow is only twenty-four more I Love Yous

to me away

with him I can and will be anything I want

though without him I will become one dimensional

like a lifeless but autistic savant............

(March. 6, 1994)

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