a stable diet of irony
can make a meal
why even for the feeblest poet
'tis a germane gift
in such free spoken moments
I see the gleaming surface
through a rusty bottom's edge
and carrying my softest whispers
above all the shouts
so to win back the harmony
found in my most pitiful pledge
I see the hardened glimmer of science
in each man's fondest religion
a speck of tainted proof for the far
too skeptical believer
and God's own deliberately forgotten face
often stares back at me
through the dull deadening eyes of the most
devout atheist
and I wonder why
why of such clearly offered ease and tarnished
exquisite contrast
how could one with any true personal depth
possibly resist such amazing full bounty of
frank invitation to make note and simply have
these unchecked and challenging observations
are complex mental films
so very easily handed over to me to handle as
I need to
and what I personally do with such generously
inherited trailers
gives necessary temper
to what very well
just might be
extreme opposites
that have grown quite lethargic
in the vast realm of timeless possibilities
and tire more and more easily
at the daunting sight of their same old all too
familiarly vague faces
call such dilemma a spiritual maze in redeemable
one of which God, his very self created as a sly
yet subtle way to put us all through our much
needed paces
the rules
shall ever after more
remain the same
its only the random participants of the game
that must manage to change
all for the better
and rightfully so
wouldn't you agree..............
(Dec. 28, 1998)