we dismiss our own rights to heaven
every time we deny the very existence
of hell
what soulicide was committed here
(on earth) at so many separate times
that such acts so foolishly placed man
upon such a fast paced demoralizing
downward scale
was it doubt or sheer disobedience
likely both one could opt for a guess
never fear though
for the great love of God
through his so beloved son alone
shall effortlessly flush out such
overly brazen and unseemingly arrogant
attitudes in all of man kind
one singularly sileneced soul at a time
so do be well aware
for the end is far closer than any
beginning we claim to share
and to fully understand
one must firs fully listen
without any prejudice nor demand
before each his own spirit can expect
to be heard
as God's softest whispers
are capable of drowning out even the very
loudest of shouts in the ever after
but I do believe I hear my own name
tell me
are you able to hear yours?..............
(Oct. 12, 1998)