
in my hateful adolescence

I crudely began to carve out

for myself

the woman I longed to one day be

and not just some two bit ninny with

boobs either

but someone I'd be proud in the end

to have called 'me'

one worthy of any man's attention,

love, respect and total admiration


At First

she was slow in the original making

and quite painful at times

to have to grow into


first I knew

a lot of hang ups had to be thrown out

before an accurate inventory of good

points could then be taken

there were quaint little mannerisms

that I was in the beginning so very

loathe to too quickly discard

as they were

after all

in essence a general part of me and I

had lived with each one for so very long

that by then that merely even thinking

about dropping them was terribly hard

nearly unthinkably so at times

my greatest accomplishment in the end will

most likely be the expansion of my well

developed mind

where as the slimmed down, once unforgettably

fabulous figure was only a short lived coup

beyond such superficiality

I've come so far

and yet

I still have so far left to go

so who will get with me when I am fifty

and what if any new knowledge shall I know

would I even recognize that nineteen plus year

old aged me

if I just so happened to stumble upon her

say today

or would I openly gape at such alien being

in frank disbelief

uncertain of what I should say

such quaint queries in my fond for stroking


are still just as curious to me yet more and more


as this yet experienced she and I move through

time to miraculously merge

the vision verses say the reality fearlessly

trade off each other for more than comfort

and acceptance have in them the heart to give

and grave is even the truest believer who thinks

he has learned all there is so to live

even I know that every day

no matter how inconsequential

is a lesson

and have for the most part learned

my own eyes have not always been so open

but only now

are they thoroughly starting to go

that is

God's Grace

at its best

working in me..................

(Oct. 11, 1998)

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