
I cry a lot for the wrong reasons

all too lately it seems

lost in the dark to

thoughts that have long since been

banished from my dreams

the precious jewel of one's very

existence has been politely

introduced to my before only lonely


and that 'Win some , Lose some!'

attitude has faded far into the back

of my once weary thoughts and now

it is only 'Love plus Jonathan equals

happiness' that I am seeing

I am so blessed and so very truly so

he is the man who will become the

father of my children one day though

this I am sure he does not quite yet


its sad to believe

but there are still so many who can not

even begin to conceive

such excitement and happiness that blooms

from these life long plans

he is the only real man who was ever meant

for me so I am all but putty in his massive

yet so very gentle hands

I hope for, even as I somewhat still fear

this gift of chance

that we have together been granted

and I will always pray that we can walk

together unencumbered forever towards the

banks of a life of enlightening love that

is only to become even further enchanted........

(Dec. 17, 1993 am)

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