
melodramatic hog wash

that's what I say

just a morbid thought grown pale

from its own over usage

with overtones of perpetual boredom

that are not meant to be seen

by anyone else

other than of course thyself

consider the puny act itself as a kiss

given to the air

aimed near whatever the proffered cheek

of another star perhaps?

but not necessarily


more so like that of what a statesman would

give the French King

you mean the president?


or at least some filthy rich and quite

well off or worldly known fellow anyway

yes, now I do believe I get the picture

its just too bad that Spielberg himself

couldn't have made it!..................

(Dec. 15, 1993)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

speaking like a pseudo intellectual of politics. One who is polished but vague. I feel it came off pretty darn well.

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