just call me critter
said, Fritz, The frisky Otter
I come from a long line of spitters
tobaccy mostly
he said, scratching his furry belly
handsome like, proud and boastfully
like he knew the answer to every question
before we even could ask it
then so promptly to prove his furry point
right at our very feet he spat
a most icky glob indeed
it smelled a foul skunk
like that of rag weed
which disgust was the first to crawl
horrified up to my face
I would be lying if I said
for I, alone was so taken aback by his
obvious lack of manners
that I, instinctively spat back at him
just barely missing his furry football
shaped head
he seemed to really like this and said
with what looked like a most crafty
Otter's smile
Hey! you're my kind of female
ya got guts
too bad though that you're not an otter
or I'd be willin' to court ya for a while
top to tail he said with a yack and a yell
Why, I'd take ya for a moon light swim
in the river then we'd set together and
spark a spell
but since you're all but a near 6 foot
human lass
he said with a frown
'fraid I'll just have to let this ideal
opportunity pass
for you might just drown
and with that he said, he slipped quietly
down into one of many available streams
and said merrily bouncing back with a thwack
of his tufted tail
but I'll be sure to be seein' ya in me
hidee-ho Lassie, yeah
'Fritz, That Frisky Otter' said as he swam
happily away
and that was the last I ever did
see of that feisty young critter
he may have been brash in his brawny brogue
but even in the end he never turned bitter
and I, myself find that quality very attractive
even in a furry, little, old quirky otter
(Dec. 3, 1993am)