hello infidelity
how have you been
still missing me
and my most inappropriate sin
does the crime in the end
not quite so easily fit the
puzzling punishment anymore
would you care to argue or rather
or has guilt better yet over all
been appointed to take indifference's
banning every last outpost leading
unto joy
in such a sizable catastrophe and
in such case
would one do better to mark up such
silently suffering misery
as a mistake made in merely too much haste
when there are nets gone begging
that are yet to be cast
among the forgotten fledglings
who cry just so foul
into the ears of the none too pleased
sleep without dreams is such an incredible
right up there beside bridges built by the
when completed are perfect in their design
but upside down all the same
so along could come just any confused weather
and allow them to backwards burn
just as oddly all my crossroads are now cinders
while the tables remain unturned
the eyes once so very blessed with incredible
now have become such traitors to the soul
they give me away to my own unwanted ignorance
almost every time
if lust were a merry band of thieves
why then my own foolish desires would rival
to be their chosen crime
as I seem to attract such creatively balanced
I am harnessed to their unique yet immense
why sometimes I believe that I would kill just
to die a day sooner
though just what I would do with that day would
require much clearer for thought than all the
sharp narrative contrast I alone possess
the moment
in my melodramatic touching upon it
has once again escaped me
I never worry long
as it always returns
just like 'Broken Clock Work'..........
(Sept. 21, 1998)