are we
the problem still so largely
before me looms
my focus is clearly blurred
it sounds funny now
doesn't it
yes it does
even to me
and I am
saturated with many matters of such
incredible confusion
they bath
even my shallowest breath
and make me jumpy in the wee hours
when insomnia plagues me
so very curious can be creativity
its like a caged, pacing beast
well within me
that refuses to settle
and sleep for my troubles
is not an option
as everything tends to mean something
else entirely
if I examine each facet
just a little more closely
the angles and plains of the original idea
somehow change
and something new from such shift emerges
something beautiful
and I am strangely compelled to give it
to the page
as if I am a startled witness myself
to my own discontented opinions
too few fully understand my irritably
incessant mumblings
such fervent thoughts of self inflicted ire
and legions of their disembodied sentences
skate most wildly around in a mirror less
that continues to write for itself luminous
volumes of poetry
that even with the human eye I myself have
yet to see
yet I know that they exist
for I have read them at great length
but only in my deepest dreams
why, I believe my soul is amused by me
I am the parodied product of its most far
fetched muse
but that is alright
I do not mind such satirical poise
for when I am writing
just such as this
I do not feel so terribly alone
as God then tends to my mental wounds
when the poem is complete
for that same instant
then its as if I am too
a vital necessary creature
once again in top form
primed and prepared to do magnificent
battle with her constantly warring demons
up ending each their delicious mischief
into yet another freshly repainted corner.......
(Sept. 20, 1998)