perish within
such ridiculous blame
I take such great pleasure
knowing that no one can
hear me (other than God)
when I weep
in my mind these thoughts of
which are thankfully my very
fathomless tears
others before have yet to catch
whether it be simply onto
their ruse
or physically puddled in the out
stretched palms of their much too late
reaching hands
look long enough though
fondly objective fair observer
and you could quite the easily
obscure the pain and remorse
from society's primitive view
yourself and expose the bitter veins
of veiled misery
parched in even the shade of solemn self
varying degrees of focused passion
stir inspiration's yet polished muse
contrary to my original beliefs of myself
Darlene is right
I am and have ever thus so remained
far too hard on myself
to the point where if she were me
of her
I would be entirely ashamed
which leads my thoughts down such
path as my asking this
why does it take the eyes of another
to better see one's own true self
and ageless faults
must be a
'with God's own eyes' sort of thing.........
(April 15, 1999)