the frustrated noose
a loner's entanglement
best left
to the more usual participants
of the far too rushed social game
signs of even the most subtle interest
leaves me
wholly confused
bitter almost
which eyes do I believe
what attractant do I seduce
which excuse do I choose to defame
I'm too old to play the regular bar goers
though opportunities are more and more few
still prospects look and act just the same
why is that
how is such farce
of diluted devilry
a hindrance to the human need for pairing
or a help mate to the cause
why, without such measures the notion of
procreation could not succeed
if each individual unequivocally lost
success is such a flogged ratio
guarded by simple self made chemicals that
provoke one's mind to get involved
inspiring its body to play
colognes only further such ideas of the
general process along
and socially
the dogs that they are
wouldn't have it any other way
man should have it so simple as the dog
in short
that is why dogs seem so happy
inside they are secretly laughing at us
fools that we are
so delighted are they
not to be in our much too simple bodies
by far over dramatized shoes
we're such a bad joke over all
as a race..............
(March 30, 1999)