its every heart's desire
to stand a little closer
to love's dear fire
no longer an outcast
but a cherished quest
where the mind soon learns
the body for its turn burns
and burns
and burns
through out midnight's lonesome
the lust of the graceless youth
eventually adjourns
leaving the aged to stare
distantly off
to a long now left behind time
where wonder and youth once intertwined
why is it that we squirrel away our most
cherished fervent dreams
and give in to the grim standards of
society's limits
where common place opinions prevail
such misery is detail
over the sharp poignancy of never long
forgotten private pride and schemes
the lovely hoped for house
has been attained
a job worth having
that has come to
though that deep incessant longing
in me still remains
ever brave and constant
for that unnamed someone
I can not yet seem to have
I hold steadfastly onto the luminous
hope filled focus
I'm like a barge without a river
such thriving thoughts
breed within my mind
that maybe one day I just might
indeed meet
this adored specific one
that I have longed for ..........sigh....
for so long
I truly love my devoted husband
yet I feel no way near with him complete
its hard to believe that one perfect piece
to this glorious puzzle
has blundered
to be from me so far removed
and utterly astray
but I can dream
and I can long
(and oh how I do so longingly long)
I can hope too
but best of all
I can pray
ah, yes indeed
that I surely can do
and just perhaps
if I'm lucky enough
with God's love
that one elusive but necessary
and oh so precious piece
will be revealed to me
one remarkably blessed day
please note love
I am still waiting
Just as I always have
just for you..............
(Feb. 8, 1999)