Fate, she has been
my brilliant accomplice
blessing me with her pure intent
and I am truly quite happy
from such a promise filed pairing
but only just starting today
July 7, 1999
such a lovely combination
for my soul to learn
ah, but what now
must you be thinking
and just how is your own
malnourished heart fairing
my steel fox has alas been sprung
from his pounding heart's own self
imposed lonely trap
he is now quite free to trot forth
and roam
the globe of my heart
an enlightened wonderer at last
a noble hunter and holder of
truth and love
though no longer nearly as proud
as he is wise
but as well
no longer entangled bitterly with
deceit and her so very draining
so say goodbye doubt
wish the a prompt fair well misdeed
and so long to the likes of you too
Mr. Lies
now in their place only truth resides
there is much light and air left in this
love still to breath
inhale deeply
mon beloved
as my essence embraces you ever thus so
take it
its yours
(Sept. 6, 1999)