
an echo of such

bare bitter delight

crosses such haunted bow

of chatty discontent

there, the dream merchant

spoils for a facsimile of

future trouble

and on any other self

puncturing day

I wouldn't object

but in this latest clinical paragraph

to my broken reckoning's blur

I wrestle with

rather than reconcile to

such deeply jaundiced fact

why not only just mine

but hordes of other's

confused misfortunes

pays his extravagant dues

so some of us chose to exist

without nary even a spare breath

to lose

for each his next moment of certain


yet it is we who laugh loudest

when the tears that come to choke

crust up and clog instead

the loveliest portals of our most

tender insides

and to think

you actually believed

I no longer cared

while through the whole entire

foul-soul-letting process

I knew that without you

my paper patched life would

eventually consist of pale almost

emptily written rhymes

dying nightly upon pride less pages

that were already destroyed

by my tears................

(Aug. 12, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for M.A.K.

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