
when did I say

my idea of love

is a bald romantic man

I didn't

never would I be so bold as to make

such a tactless claim

I possess more grit than the

Duke himself!

ah, but with Phillip and his 33mm twin

in constant tow

along with those deep rich dark eyes of


shooting his thoughtfully potent, intense

affections every which way

as long as it was my way

for me there are just too too many drops

falling for it not to be called

just what it is


he was brisk in his outlook

and quite focused in his abundant


be they private or professional

he wore his subtle yet unique masculinity


far better than my charmed equilibrium

could ever hope to withstand

together we made

'Ignited Calm'

and for him alone in

his cold , strange, beautiful dark room

world it was that which drew him repeatedly


to the cozy welcome den of my natural humor

and warmth

addicted was he

to the buzz of my busy fingers in his hair

together we learned the finest truths of


but refused out of love to betray the

others specific where!

we just innately knew how

and it was hotter than any case of seasoned


in a year we had a life time's share

I won the elusive eyes' heart

and earned his enduring respect

though with tears awash in vague


I sent my beautiful elusive eyes away

and that was the beginning of my ever constant

companion Regret

and such regret beget an even greater grief

upon my hearing of his untimely death

the soul lives in many caves now

but none so dark as the one I allowed you

to leave me in

in this current status of complete aloneness

I know for us its much too late

but still

I wish to say I'm sorry Phillip

I was so terribly wrong

to have sent you away

my problem was and still is the same

I simply loved and wanted you far too much

and sadly so as such my cowardly depth of


sired me to scare us farther apart

and you died alone

not knowing

before back to you

I could find and earn my way............

(July 8, 1999)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

I believe I wrote this from a movie I watched. Is hard to recall the title but Dying Young with Julia Roberts comes to mind but it might be another movie of similar tear jerking status. I just know that this poem came from some sad movie where the man was dying.

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