
this night

without end

I shun these walls

as the melancholy of the day

turns her troublesome eyes

to the swift approaching fall

alone now

but not

and quite flexibly able in either view

I wear this discontented shawl


at the threshold

of welcome complication

looking never back

at everything of old

mistakes quietly put away

to be re examined later

all heartaches shelved

and perversely forgiven

as the need is realized

for each his prior existence

an incomparable elation

hold such preoccupation

in an almost suspended

spiritual stasis

true revelation

is the shear spirit

of the very word itself

alive within the throat

that storms and prowls within

every man's fleshed depths

its longed for discovery

when finally excavated from

the searching self

is the finest thesis

of each our so very profound lives

in the reflected bulk

of their entirety

so rise in yourself to be brave

construct and carry with you

your own self sharpened ax of

spiritual curiosity

and hack out your own chosen path

to a wiser self understanding

for it is an education

that the soul will never forget..........

(written Sept.29,2001 6am)

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