Meany McSweeny

a devil may care genie

who is filled with himself

but more so a magic unseeny

a foul spell to perform is all too

often up his impossibly possible sleeve

tales of mischievous adventure and mayhem

why he is honor bound by the genie code

to wove and weave

a true tall horse on the trail

with a wand in one hand is he

magic made from the often mysterious yet

out cast by today's much too logical society

so, to understand Meany

we must first look to his brother Eany

accepted for his  oddness and gift

he's a rogue in a shift

day and night could quite easily enough

explain these sorcerous sibling two

one works solely for himself

while the other for me and you

so, walk if you dare upon any beach that there

is about in the world and oh so carefully look

for a solitary bottle that houses a not wanting

to be found genie and one that needs to be shook

but if it is Meany and not the fair Eany do not

attempt to even make one small wish

for Meany will only all too happily ignore it

and turn you into a smelly little rotten fish

but if its Eany you will be sure to know

for his plain little dirty corked bottled will

turn a frothy forest green

and your dearest, fondest wish will be generously

granted one tripled by three

for Eany has two other brothers that he is in

good graces with

by the names of Miny and Moe and they unlike

Meany give good wishes too

in fact the very best as far as all the four

brothers genie go.................................

(March 10, 1995)

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