
with a whisper of a lick

I have you in my grip

of such graphic wetness

I breath this same desire

that you can not deny

and live for the moment

when with you I can once

again fly

my soul reaches for yours

the hands of rapturous destiny

entwine us closer

you warm me with your love

and in your aching open arms

I purr

the nakedness of your skin

is my bed

your offered shoulder

my pillow

your arms

blankets for my forgotten wants

the longing in your lips

speaks to me

on levels few can translate

ah, but you and I know this language


and together

we are fluent in its drowsy dialog

and emotionally

we shall be paid handsomely

for such natural talent

my love is you..............

(April 30, 2000 1am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my regular longing for that one particular one ere missing someone I have yet to meet. An on going theme throughout my adult life.

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