
passion would be a nice welcome

between you and I

a sweet lift into the surreal

lethargic longing


born with tiny wings

steps offered

by divine guide

so to be taken

such achievement

an unharnessed idea

that proposes groomsmen

of fancy not pride

I revel and reel in your voice's

sad touch

you graze upon my life's moments

that few would even pretend to

accept as such

your fine young mind

pays such sweet homage

to my tender woman's skin

just as through the lenses

of those warm amber eyes

I find I am on the inside

but only further looking in

I lay all warm, limp and lax

in your lovely ideas of me

'the beautiful laughs'

you lay claim to

are merely the barest beginnings

of this ultra incredible we

unshockably enough

birth in a sense

to the others more true life

a tattoo of which

I shan't ever be free

this my dear, dear man

makes you

in a strangely haunting sense

a world that calls to me...........

(April 12, 2000 1240am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for a sweet young man I once held in a tenderly fond esteem for a few short months.

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