
we touched

so briefly

yet unforgettably

two magnetic forces

spinning in

then out

of each other's

predestined paths

I believe the second time

we joyously collided

that our souls knew

it would all too swiftly pass

so the flurry of our





and words

ran the gambit

of true connection



via enough ink

to paint a million hearts blue

you even unknowingly brought  

closure to our

enviable affair

the last time on the phone

you verbalized the great need

you felt to keep me

always ever near

whatever the way you could manage

no wife

no possibility of children

I slipped from the side of the bed


realizing my full worth

to your great lion's heart

in one breathless rush

your prophetic statement of feeling

like you lost me long before you

ever had me

still controls the tears and tight

throat that come over me

upon recalling that pivotal

afternoon together

I miss you in every imaginable way

at one time or another

throughout each and every subsequent day

your impact upon my life has been monumental

you are my deepest link

proof to rival all proof



our souls

and forever

exist and intertwine

its only the flesh and time

that we leave behind

my finest hour yet sleeps in your

soul's gaze upon me

from our other home

I grow in the certainty each new day

that again we will unite

and stroll side by side

not ten thousand miles apart

as we did here on earth

enjoying eternity

and the purity of such an endearing

fiercely tender love

one that has lasted

since our souls' births..............

(written Aug. 14, 2002 7pm)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

for M.A.K.

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