
worry be warned

as with vanity scorned

there in lies truth

a parchment for misgiving

carries me to confusion's lonely door

the bell is broken

and this knocker

possesses no appropriate knuckles

life beats breath

from the bodies of the numb

sometimes one must

open his eyes

to block out disbelief's glare

you miss me already

I can feel it

I still see you

yet in a far different light

one that tells me

you are not really there

just longing to be

our liason must soon conclude

it was the dream that was the gift

after all

two spirits shall uncross paths

that were all too commonly


miss crossed

though much too unknowingly

to the two of us now

from this

we both have learned............

(Jan. 1, 2000)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

the gradual losing of a friend.

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