
I look in a mirror that belongs not to me

and what or whom I've been staring at for these

last twenty-five years I can honestly say wasn't me

she was perhaps an illusionary wall of sorts

built from the combination of pain, alienation from

my peers and quickly thought up retorts

but she always managed to get the before yet described  

job done

so now, its more difficult to extricate myself from

( for lack of a better phrase)

the now unneeded pun

what really do I have to lose if I so choose to shake this facade

even a modicum of peace perhaps from some unknown yet

private pact with God

I won't be overly forward anymore with my charm charged quick wit

I'll cower no longer on the inside nor hide and I'll be a little more

calmer at least I can hope just a bit

I just ask that you give my soul new breath and a life giving lease

steer me gently into the arms of salvation by letting me know the true

meaning of living in love's warmth

and peace................

(written May 8, 1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

a poetic prayer of sorts to God.

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