I've kept the richness of your voice
for so long now locked away in my lonely heart
I am certain that you do not know this
as if somewhere beyond the unquestionable infatuation
there lies an undetected choice
a fresh respect one might say for an ageless spark
the sweetest breath's way from one unforgettable kiss
I will likely never know your most treasured thoughts
nor where your dearest dreams quietly lie
though as well I may even hear the faint strings of a hope
filled hello but never the pleasure of a temporarily
extended yet breathless goodbye
which makes me wonder is the fear filled attempt really worth
'The End Of One Try'
and can not my unrecognized pain be replaced with a joy
filled sigh
is there no other doors left in which for me to open
no more safe avenues to curiously venture down
why is it only in one unforgettable pair of the bluest eyes
do I seem to so lovingly if only briefly drown
will the bridge I wish only to cross once ever come to
even be built
will my love survive the rigorous journey that has battered its faith
or merely starve of unreturned attention leaving it to soulessly wilt
I can only cry a loud as I pray and hope not!.......
(written April 19, 1993 am)