
it is always hottest beneath the bridge

leading to one's natural self expression

why is it then that I think clearest when I am

at my most tiredest

in short, when in an absolute slump

I am at my best

or so it seems at least from myself I often get

that impression

I'm not purposely prone to experiencing highly

concentrated forms of unavoidable aggression

but now , shall I fall to my injured knees for you

and break forth with a consciously  clever confession

I am not so terribly infatuated with the idea of dying

but if I said I feared it


that I would indeed

be lying

I am well aware that one day the phase of death will come

to embrace me

but the physical aspects of the fear involved with such an ending

do not even attempt now to chase me

for I see death as a small step unto a yet to be explained level

or plane

and each (wo)man who is chosen at whatever time

in his or her life  

to take it

is but one tiny shard of glass in the entire universal pane

so fear not the looming of the yet to be known

but hold its promise sweetly to your child like chest

simply imagine all the people who have gone before you

they too but for the scriptures of their own religious volumes

had not a guess...............

( written Feb 15, 1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

my views on why we should not fear death but put it in context.

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