
in the lowest blades of the greenest grass

if you care to listen close enough

you will hear a smack

and note. its not the sawing sound of a working

woodpecker's nose

but the lonesome call of The Blooming Knack

unlike the Do Do the Bloom can fly

and he is happiest when more than a mile high

his bright, blue plumage makes him seem to be

a truly grand old crow

he possesses bright red and green spots on his

tuft little blue tail

through the crisp November winds it glides him

so he can turn in whichever direction while in mid


what an absolutely dashing and lucky fellow

to be born to the air not only soft and sleek

but marvelously mellow

The Bloom should you chance to catch him while in

full flight

in indeed a glorious yet somewhat indescribable sight

why he can fly side ways towards the change of the

thrust in the wind

he is the proudest parent

his helpless young until death he will defend

the ease in which he navigates himself through

the chilly morning skies

can be a treasure and a terror upon the untrained

human eyes

what divine judgment we have placed on the species of

mass birds of prey

when they only wish to fly free of human interference

and for that very right, with their very lives

not have to pay................

( written Feb. 1,1993 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

not a bad tale for a made up bird in my head eh?

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