unsettled attraction
a harmless gaff
a shade even less
this latest mesmerization's
most particular montage
such flurry of pinched and backward fretting
the consequence precedes the action
Einstein in theory
is waiting in his cloak room
with notes and chalk at firm readiness
to disprove the relativity
this time of love
damn, but I can't stand the bleeding hearts
toted by a self defiling pedantic
and yet I despise rigidity of any kind
any more
so bring on the hearts and flowers
regale the old 'on but thou art' doomed
love poetry
I can even almost hear the crockery starting
to weep now
hell be blasted alive
Shakespeare lived for just such word orgies
while the rest
his supposed counterparts
merely limp wrists with borrowed in no doubt
floundered on
then dying
into the most ancient pit
for all obscurity
historic footnotes
pale, thin as paper
to Shakespeare's time of greatness
the poor fools
in many ways
I personally would have hated to know him
imagine that............
(written Oct. 11,2002 9pm)