to write as I do
what then
I feel nearly forced to ask
must my occupation have been
in Heaven
(the most supreme employment office)
was I a scholar
why, maybe even a councilor of lost souls
though I somewhat quibble in my fractured jest
these wonders still procure an unseeable toll
I am too deep it seems to adequately reflect upon
myself in any real intrusive depth
it is like a devision in dreams
so how then could I hope to properly explain
what misplaced importance escapes
in the calm recesses
of mine own heart's
warmest loving chamber
attempt here it seems is on trial
while my crimes become
my inner thoughts most turbulent muse
on such vague stance though not unto me
the battle of confusion shall continue
to reign
ah but better poetry
from the process
one day all too soon
shall be written
on this very matter...............
(Dec. 9, 1998)