staring at this face
that only knows how to stare back
helps me to see beyond my actual self
and over the things that I seem to lack
self confidence being one was never in
abundance around my childhood household
you see, one didn't talk back and you did
as you were told with no questions asked
unless you felt unbelievably bold
now, whenever I'm involved in any family
gatherings upon the celebrated home front
I see I didn't have it so bad as a child
and for very little did I want
why merely name a doll and I probably had her
arguments, strong talking to s and spankings
just seem to run together in a bristling blur
the Depression had long since decades passed
by the time I was conceived
and the senseless death of John Lennon is the
only passing for which I recall that I personally
not some prominent political figure but the
brightest BEATLE that lived
ten years from this physical earth
he has now been gone never to return
so much to my soul he was able to give
surely in this harsh reality there is indeed a
valuable lesson to be learned
life is so very precious
even when one feels unworthy of its glorious gift
like me
we each have individual purpose and we shouldn't
feel snubbed by every little insignificant catastrophe
tomorrow I'll be better and on that you can bet the
entire bank
for the very writing of these words points me in the
right direction as to who for this late insight
I should thank.............
( written Dec. 28,1992 am)