why do I care for you so very much?
Tell me , is it the paralyzation of your ocean
filled eyes
the rich tones of your cropped dark hair
or is it the sound of your reverberating voice
as you regale yet another one of your very tall tales
of inner beauty, happiness and impossibly possible
things still to come our way
could it be that what makes you different is what makes
you so damned undeniably attractive to me?
you are younger than I but far from being just another
or perhaps its the fact that our heights do not add up
to the usual standard of amount
just maybe that is where our otherwise unexplainable
chemistry lies
a few inches gone here
a few more added there and voila!
we have sparks, blessed, beautiful , sparks
and along side them waves an almost magic fan to fuel
the building flames along with two hearts that beat so
strongly proud
what wisdom falls beneath these carefully chosen words?
make me wise my dear to your world's ways
that cautious little voice in my head says
now is the time to make a move
yet still I stiffen silently at the very thought
your polite affections I do not wish to buy
I only want to be your confidant
well, maybe a little more than that if you don't mind
I would at least like to try!
care to join me my sweet darling you?
gawd, I can only hope that you will say yes!
yes! I do................
(written Nov.28,1992 am)