this is CHRISTMAS! Do you understand
its giving, its receiving, its a season of brotherhood
and man
innocent awe and joy come so quickly to mind
of early childhood Christmas's unforgotten but left
long since behind
a tall tree purchased so proudly down on the old
Camden Street Church Lot
the long impatient wait for the mysterious Santa Claus
and into that entire realm of sheltered untruths
for nearly 12 whole years I always bought
why, I remember fondly looking for sleigh tracks out
in the front yard with my equally deceived older
brother Bill
if I think back hard enough I can recall each of all those
individual Christmas seasons to this day still
I truly never believed as a child that Christmas could
ever get much better than that very year
until I became an avid carrier of such an adult tradition with
a car, a list, a check book and credit cards
all the necessary and needed Christmas shopping gear
consulting my sketchy list
mom gets a sewing machine
Cindy some knick-knacks and a cookie jar
Ron, her husband, needs some jeans and a socket set
though Chad my nephew will have to hold off a little
while longer on that new car
I'm told I'm to be an aunt yet again
in just a few short weeks
my one brother
a father soon
for the first time ever
something which he so often now speaks
I've gotten him nothing for the baby will be his
most precious gift of all to receive
I could do no better for him than that
so from my hastily made list
I must take my leave....................
( written Nov 5,1992 am)