
come the refuge of tomorrow's realization

its light will likely blind me in my tracks

yet it does indeed still recede inside me

even as it outwardly attacks

life itself can be quite funny in a strange yet

unencouraged way

too bad that forever upon this earth I can not be

permitted to study and stay

I seem to only slight myself these days whenever

I venture out to speak

note that this attitude I have taken on is one full

of childish chalk and cheek

so into a much gentler mind of miss established crime

out of my precious conscience I must force myself

to create as I climb

I write solely to entice

and to every purpose and point I'm not always quite

so nice

this plateau in the level of my awareness so far is my

only mentionable pit fall

every time I conclude that its my turn to serve

I find I've somehow misplaced yet again the ball

what would tomorrow name her only son should she

choose to have one

'Future' is too predictable yet generic besides its

already been decided or done

all I seem to presently be doing is blaming the lateness

of the hour on my inability to correctly count

potential in this life is considered an option

still the odds I wouldn't wish to stock or mount

we as individual beings are not getting better but

all the more worse

society is an almost 'magical' concept yet it

inhabitants an age old curse

we slowly destroy ourselves as we destroy others

all man kind is on big family

so what happens to it as a unity

when you kill and or ostracize all your sisters and


we've only as of late done ourselves great harm

since progress has long since been made

but for another chance in another lifetime I'm not

so sure still if my present situation I would

transmute or trade

How about you?...............

(written Sept 21,1992 pm)

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