there is a tiny sweet silver web of soft serene
falling gently upon my face across the 'morrow
it breathes its bottled breath into my already chilled
making me drunk with euphoria
like a too strongly made hot Russian toddy
with guarded feelings of grim casualness
I have to force myself to breathe again as I speak
to confess
can I get passed this metaphoric knife without
subsequently getting cut
or will this grudge that grips me
bleed to death deep within my gut
instincts abandon ship in this battle that reaches
for the page
every ounce of sanity trips over its almost mortal self
in attempt to clarify and engage
suffer so quietly within me deep and dark desperate
redeem for me an eloquence of spirit when I'm lost
and at the end of my rope
put to rest my chilled and worried words so brave yet
hold this said pen under siege to further this intense
mental flair
skate inspiration up to the designated door for its sole
arrival is so very rare
the 'Falsified Pleasuring' that is still left to come
will be more painful if we let it tear
so for my tender yet fretful feelings please do be
that I would not be the me I am today if I hadn't had
an ounce of morality left within me to spare.......
( written Aug 2, 1992 pm)