
with eyes like murder and a face inflamed

I can be evil incarnate with my anger ordained

it is not just I for whom you have presently shamed

your wicked, little mouth you should have somehow


you would be far better off not mentioning your previous

yet darker deeds

while discussing projected out comes and necessary needs

man is said to be grass while we women are tagged as


opportunity is a kindred spirit and on public opinion

it feeds

forgive me for what I have indeed done

my beautiful, bright, brave boy

though your heart I have in no way yet won

I offer you not material possessions but passion

and the promise of life long joy

unrequited love is a heartache in its own living element

pessimists may push at their predictable plight but

their efforts are uselessly spent

all I could think of was did you say what you meant

and wouldn't it be wonderful if the rules could be

so easily bent...............

(written July 28.1992 am)

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