just what is it that I am really feeling
and where does this well of overflowing emotion
spring from
and why do these almost detached and torn
reminders grip me
others more so than some
its as if I'm missing someone I have yet to meet
a painful gouge within the soul
startled suppression that mirrors incredible
the mate my soul seems to miss
I wonder does he wonder this globe in the time
I claim as my own present day
or has he so like me, I think passed already from
the world only not yet to return
is he long away
where as I have (returned) and there we achingly
destined for the moment to live and or exist
the other too, looking for his faceless, nameless
like me, starting within my very own heart
this question constantly lives
all I know to say is
stay where you are if you are indeed like me
here and maybe, just maybe I will find you
even if unknowingly
I believe still
I will know
its all the same
once again
as always
I miss you so!.................
(July 10, 1995)