summer storms serenade
your tempest trundling
in a cup
has become your complexity
the layers bespeak
strange diversity
yet welcomed flexibility
a once churning eddy of malcontent
and disbelief
a metamorphic wake
I stand to ponder
have this I achieved
or are you my sleeping prince
awakened with a kiss
in this case
a poem
is a reversal of much personal misfortune
I choose not to question
the necessity 'For Such A Storm Stirred'
I was moved by a fellow poet
and planted in his fertile heart
and there I be
standing up right
healthy and well fed
while slumping a little more over
in my reaching out to get to know
this man who puts words to page
and lures unsuspecting poetesses
such as myself
into surprising places
with all but the
haunting beauty of
his dark stirring
and like a moth to her
favorite flame
she flew
warm open
eager to praise and
give courage
and sustenance
to one who was praying for
just such a reader
to come
am I
I'm just a poetess
who has faith access
to a never dimming light
and in our time thus far
you have started to take center stage
must I keep reminding you
how much the audience loves you?..................
(Sept. 2. 2009 427am)