
'yeah right!' I said as I ran a comb through my much

too mussed hair

a real knack for the line I may just have but frankly

I don't care

I do this for fun

you see, it eases my mad, mad mind

it gives me an outlet for my frustrations

its a cheap way to unwind

later the same evening after my friend had gone

across my mind feelings of comparison began to flicker

and dawn

what if she was even remotely close to the mark

not every shot misses when its fired in the dark

Am I truly talented because my poems seem to come in

an almost desperate search of me

or is this imagination's lease on the brain a specially

selected  key to my feeling free

and just what do other people really see

when they read my work

my on going love

just what do they think of its creator, which is me

that my mind is mad, a little unnailed ,

my temper too creative and quick

I bet at my sweep of broad observations they would

likely wish to shake a broom  or stick

the possibilities are endless

the question is do they and I in unison make perfect


well, I do admit that this thought deserves an

extension on chance before it gets pitched into the

ole cerebral dust bin

for maybe after all, God did have people like me in

immediate mind when he created the concept of

writing pen..............\

(written June 16,1992 am)

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