we met as merely strangers on one bright yet brisk
autumn's day
we neither said very much because I guess now neither
had all too much to say
it was fun filled and free our time together
and we did enjoy our untimely play
but perhaps it would have, could have been better
'Had The Rains Not Chosen To Stay'
my poor feet got so soaked making me walk like my legs
were attached to feet of clay
you said that was fine for now far from you
I your latest play mate could not easily stray
that remark to me really wasn't very funny but I laughed
at you anyway
with your tie all unknotted and your hair falling
haphazardly where ever it cared to lay
you invited me quickly to lunch
I said okay when I probably should have said nay
but later as we laughed ate and talked
I couldn't help but wonder just who in the end was
going to have to pay
not for the food mind you but the heartache that is
soon to come our way
but I'll take a chance on you if you will on me
I'll ask if I may
but only if each our separate lives we don't put
on hold or delay..............
(written June 3,1992 )