
the mouth

such a sensuous creature

within itself

a magnificent pout

can go a long way

a soft, kissable mouth on a man

is an absolute God send

hail the cavity which produces

all verbal communication

a great pleasure source

first implemented by the French

(I believe)

hence the erotic term 'French Kissing'

(ooh la la)

the tongue and teeth

children of the mouth

claim a variety of uses

other than the feeding of the body

the mouth is a safe sex alternative

and one of which not all have indulged in

but more often should!

for it is an absolute riveting experience

melting the mutual partakers into an

exquisite pool of incomparable pleasure

so don't underestimate the mouth

and its many (even erotic) uses

why, it can even read poetry aloud

and that is an ultimate in pleasure

for this specific mouth owner............

(Jan. 17, 1994 am)

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