I saw something quite rather quaint today
or rather strange supreme
on the back of a very large flat bed truck
rode a big old barnyard red rooster and his
sweet little gray hen
as content as could be expected
if not more so
as they roosted upon their jaunty ride
it was amazingly timeless
almost to see
two sweetly contented
though modernly moving poultry
quite happy it would seem just to be
riding together astride an old hay
strewn work truck
just as proud as you please
such a farmer's right to sight actually
made my day
this I must notably confess
but I truly have to admit
I really did wonder
just what happened to those lovely
coo some two some
at the final end of their sunny riding
one can only hope that they moved to a
very nice far
where old Macdonald himself begged them
to be his most cherished of all guests!........
(Jan. 5, 1999)