
poor plain Melissa Jane

I would scream every time around my mind

that mad thought came

being an adult while still feeling like a child

is not always quite the same

there once was a little boy just like that I once knew

but I can't seem to recall his name

for this gap in knowledge a curse for which whom

am I allowed to blame

I know I shouldn't whine pout and complain

since this will and wit have brought me such success

fortune and fame

but I can't stop thinking that if 'life' weren't made

out to be such a slow and serious game

we each could have a shorter and similar experience

though not exactly the same

it would seem fuller stronger more precious and not

so tame

and maybe my sad excuses for writing such drivel

wouldn't seem so boring and incredibly lame.......

( written Jan 20,1992 am)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

something stupid shared? yeah I think so!

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