
How have I come so far only to come to this

a tale of such wonder and beauty

yet when it ends all that is left in the heart is a

vague feeling of wounded bliss

if I thought even for a moment that it would work

I would make an eye closing wish

for colors to be added to such a drab spirit's tale and

I'd toss in for good luck a dab of spring time to the

remainder of the dish

what right has this down beat ferry story to keep me

from my beauty's sleep and bed

who could think up such an exhilarating beginning

only to leave love with half truths so hollowly said

what you get out of a story may not always be just what

you've read

the mind examines ideas and concepts from all angles

not from just the one from into which it was fed

who am I to complain about the end to a story that

seems for my personal taste a touch too vague

when in maybe not the same or exact manor but the

pages I too often approach no caution and presume to


perhaps this is why I object to such a squandered ending

and my own misleading ways I'm criticizing even as

I'm defending

if plagiarism wasn't such a fierce and blood thirsty

hound laying for me in tempted wait

I would alter such a loose ending so suspicion would

fall on the the door step of the dramatic and in its

final ending crescendo the spirit of what should be

it would sweetly wet the readers' appetite so to sate....

(written Oct 4,1991 am)

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