MISSILE BAY(Journal #5)

we were all just kids when we used to play

in an old abandoned Indian cave we called oddly

enough the missile bay

why we named one of our favorite places to play such

an inappropriate name I can't say I'm sure

I guess in keeping with our method of pretending

our thoughts remained orderly and pure

I was the technician and master creator of schemes

named aptly enough Madame High I Q

then there was my assistant the wizard Casseem with his

swordsman guard Rusty Rudolf La Rue

every other trip or so the lovely princess Malina would

make the long journey and out of the blue appear

she gave us enemy progress reports, listed our personal

tasks and handed out helpful pointers on our professed

mission and on going career

she also kept notes, minutes and quotes

though each of our highly important names she wasn't

always so sure of the current spellings

she still managed to surprise us every time she

decided to grace us with her presence in our dingy

dark afternoon dwellings

hours would  pass by and we could not guess just how

fast indeed they had gone

hot afternoons would turn into evenings first cool


swifter than dusk was replaced by the sweet shyness

of dawn

its been too long since I last took out those old,

happy memories and dusted them off with my gentle


life was so easy to just live as a small child

full of play

though it hasn't always been so since

I never really realized until just now

how many years its really been since I was just a

care free, imaginative kid

but now that I have a good tight grip on all those old

wonderful memories

I'm glad I finally did.............

(written Sept 19,1991 pm)

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