I feel the brushing of the reeds of returning
I feel like blushing when I think of such a whimsical
I was penned a long time ago as being a point well
taken poet
most people I know of to speak of have no wit
and I'd be willing to bet that that's just it
why not put another down when you know where you've
gotten in life is likely all the further you'll get
at some point in time that's probably just the goal
for yourself you set
over this very subject my many poetic exercises I
have spent
some were good some were bad and others I just
let them go wherever they went
I would rather live in a tent with the man I love
than live in a mansion with a man I don't
I try to make my own man understand this very idea but he can't or won't
my creativity is best unleashed when I settle down for a quick sleep
then the wantful words come rushing head long at me
words that simply won't keep
the odds against me are indeed quite steep
from simple writer to aspiring poet was indeed a
rather large and lasting leap
the anger is the ink that blots this page
my brain's very own essence
it's paint
sure I admit I love men on the whole
quite dearly and that makes me no sate
but there was truly only one who could make me
swoon and nearly faint
for this lesson of love I paid an extremely high
in last place always finishes the girl so unselfish
and nice
loving one so completely I'd say is not wise
to thy very object of love in the end i can be a
weapon in disguise
you see my heart didn't quite fit him to size
so he threw it foolishly away
and now one day soon in his quest for another
he will have to offer up his own so to pay
some would say the Lord has his own special way
of getting just that , his way
he knows just what I speak of and I'd like to believe
he's behind every word I say...........
( written Aug 13,1991 am)