it would be so easy to fall in love with me tonight
I'm not being judgmental,self righteous or contrite
I'm feeling very worthy of love and its languorous fire
there is companionship to be found in connection with
pure desire
its only natural to want certain levels of emotions
considered in others virtually commonplace
so its understandable from others these high strung
feelings to the current situation
from them my theory on lust I freely base
what is sex appeal?
I would hardly think it merely constitutes
the copping of a feel
it has to be something much more substantial
or real
you probably get tired of hearing my same old
worn out writer's schpeel
but if I don't speak out to you then to whom
else should I appeal
onto a higher level of carnal lecherous thoughts
I bet Christian Slater would make quite a
sensuously appetizing meal
I shouldn't have divulged that
now if he should ever see this masochist's idea of
poetry I'm not sure how I would feel
every since I rented 'Pump Up The Volume'
before him I have so desperately wanted to kneel
off his lithe young body his clothes I would
purposefully peel
just for a chance to climb inside him
and get a true sense of a flare for the sensual
his heart in the process I would with or without
cooperation aspire to steal
and note that I would do so with almost effortless
to his lips, a kiss of promise I would then silently
(written Aug 8,1991 pm)