what if I did?
sounds so very guilty
when one lets it ring in one's hindered head
like the very sight of truth is something unflattering
and filthy
just as one tries to walk blithely in another man's stead
no man's land is a whole lot closer than you might be
willing to think
levels of the mental plane shift shyly in surrender on
the edge of 'Misfit's Brink'
innocence often sleeps in an empty room at the end of the hall
while hope on the other hand we should never let far
from our fingertips fall
what if I jumped up only to miss my creative call
will another ever come around to point out what I not
once before saw
or will I likely be left in the dark alone, full of
scaring myself half silly sometimes as my inked
thoughts freshly wet the page..............
( written Dec.19,1992 am)