he wants me to express
my deepest desires for him
most creatively upon the page
he does not yet realize though
how such cost to me in the end
would so unforgivingly wage
he knows all too well the exact
of my full mental gage
yet still
he would have me
lay prone like a fool
to such claim
by mere lack of my age
for you see
he is secretly much too
indifferent to the play of
our game
where as I am the intensity's rage
the raw markings of my youth
likely to tantalize the calmness
of his marvelous rule
though I am quite certain that at
times he wishes he could indeed be
more controlling, overbearing and cruel
so to better teach me how to accurately
read all his steamy looks and blushing
through his own carefully taught clever
decipher age of but one single page
starting of course
with his indescibable while insatiable
lust for me and at such an early stage
my thumping answer to his proposal of course
would be to shake him right out of his very
and in the end
make him have to beg me for days
only then would I give in
under the impression
that we both could surely win
how else can love play her one final
trump card
in a relationship that constantly
(April 23, 1998)