

a hat in the street

bewildered people milling about

an almost abstract distraction

on the corner


an overwhelming presence

a mist that will not lift

while the eyes of the passing public

get so viciously surprised

a child lays dead

roller skates on his feet

with one still spinning

so violent and sad to see



his small life so brutally stolen

while he played

an obvious innocent

given not choice in the matter

is there no security for our children

scalding tears attack the cheeks

to learn

another child

even younger


the apparent thief

with head bowed

the thought

that hell just acquired

a little more blood

for its pool of foul today

slaps the on looker

even deeper down in the soul

its so senseless

there can be no innocent tomorrow

every again.................

(written Feb. 12, 2002 12am )

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