
I'm not so sure just how good I can make this
for you
but when you grow up maybe whenever you
read this
you too will come to love the 'Famous Little Bob'
that I once knew
I think at times he may have truly loved his
silly auntie Sliss
as only Lena's baby can
she has so far done a fine, bang up job of
raising my favorite little tyke
so I have to give her a hand
I sincerely hope I'm around to watch him
as he grapples to learn and grow
and quickly comes to understand
things he does not yet know
he and I will soon enough have our day
in the shade
to piddle around and lazily play
and hopefully it shall be long before I become
too old, decrepit, wrinkled and gray
and I mean just maybe
I'll give him a play mate
should I ever decide to have a baby
you can't imagine the extent of the joy
I'm talking about
that is
not until for yourself you've seen
my 'Famous Little Bob's pretty impertinent pout
he's so very cute for being all of six months old
as far as babies go he's worth his weight in gold
when he looks up at me with such guileless wonder
in those warm chameleon's eyes
I hear baby gurgles coos, and the faint strains
of Brahms' lullabies
though he never ever tires of his regular daily
there's no sound sweeter in this whole entire
world than when my 'Famous Little Bob' gurgles
and laughs
though daddy favors biscuit as an acceptable
nick name
as little bob steps into his prominent birth's
title of William Everette Burns the third
I don't believe that he will feel the same
I had to do this for you my dear young and
handsome infant Mr. Burns
so you will one day remember I was the first
woman besides your mom to say I love you as
you let others take their turns.........
(written July 3,1991)

Author's Notes/Comments: 

written for my good friend Lena's baby boy long ago. I recall she asked me for a copy of the poem so she could paste it in his baby book so I gave her one. Funny to imagine Bob now some 20 years old reading that as a grown man.

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